Content marketing is a fairly new addition to the whole realm of marketing, and even touches
advertising. Some companies do not give it the rightful thought that it deserves, and treat it as a
small function that might or might not help in the process of marketing. But if done with proper
thought and strategy applied to it, it can be a tremendous source of brand awareness among
customers and even increase customer base by bringing in new potential customers.
How to do content marketing effectively is a discussion on it’s own, but what it includes is a
bunch of things. Social media content marketing, video content marketing, blog content
marketing are some types of content marketing that are used in the genre as a whole. A content
marketing strategy is a well integrated marketing message that shows the brand as one entity in
all different platforms that it is being represented on. By all means, the digital aspect is very
prominent in it, therefore it becomes important to learn and implement what is content marketing
in digital marketing.
Good content marketing involves messaging that does not derail from the core company
message. Whatever new campaign or topic is being discussed or promoted should not in any
way be contradicting with what the brand really stands for. A lot of real market examples include
Dove and other Unilever brands, that have built all their marketing messages around their core
marketing strategy. This way the brand keeps up integration between its marketing model. This
same procedure can be adapted into digital marketing strategy where the social media content,
any kind of paid online advertisement, blogs written for that specific topic in the digital marketing
Following are the types of content marketing used in different platforms of digital marketing and
how they can be implemented to stand out from others:
● Social media marketing is one that needs to have the best visuals, according to the
brand, so much so that when the brand name is removed from the social media page,
viewers are still able to recognize which brand’s social account it is. Having an
integrated digital marketing plan means using the same marketing message, and
developing graphics for social media posts around the same theme to communicate it
better visually.
● Next page in content marketing involves blog marketing, which includes blogs on sites
that are attractive and engaging enough for readers to go through the whole page. SEO
blogs are further nuanced by keyword use to help increase visibility for the brand in
google’s search engine page. How blogs can be made fun and attractive is to write as if
one might be conversing with their audience. It can be any sort of conversation, even a
product review can be worded that way. This way it gives the blog a different aura than
all other monotonous and very professional sounding write ups that use tons of
● Lastly video content marketing is already engaging enough because the sole essence of
it is to show fun things in relevance to one’s product or service. A newly developed idea
around it is using graphics/illustrations in it, to add a fun touch and to show how the
company has put effort into such a thing. Illustrated videos are more fun story-telling
wise too, and there are so many avenues to play around with and make it unique
enough for the audience.