
Marketing Campaigns

The holidays are here and every brand is coming up with the digital marketing campaigns that they will run this winter break. You have all the hardcore facts ready and are putting them in applications. Here are a few soft but effective tips to give you the special advantage that will make your digital marketing strategy rock!

Artificial Intelligence – AI:

You do not realize it but literally all of the analytics tools are using Artificial Intelligence to help you boost your sale. From keyword ranking to the entire Google Console, the main focus of AI is to help you nail down the buyer persona. A buyer persona is everything in digital marketing as it is the key to where you should invest your money and how. The artificial intelligence lets you decide these truly important factors well in various forms. Keep an eye on the new data analysis tools coming out in digital marketing.

Content Distribution:

In this day and age, a strong community management culture that lets you promote your blog post to the right audience is crucial to the success of your blog based content. The right distribution is the key factor to make your content come alive. The content needs to have a proper social media distribution network that places it in the path of your true audience.

Holiday Content:

Holidays are about engaging in festivities, tricks of availing the holidays to their full potential and similar issues. Make sure that you develop content that is actually the focus of holiday discussions. Keywords are great but good market research will tell you which keywords you should rank for. Remember that the keyword ranking for many words will increase during the holidays and not before. So there is no way to foresee the keywords you should target for the holiday. You have to conduct careful market research and decide which topics were covered by your competitors last year. This will allow you to develop a strong and effective keyword list to develop your content for. Always conduct keyword research even for your social media and visual content and not just for your blogs as they are also keyword-focused content.

Content Schedule:

Content scheduling is everything and in winter break timing is the key. For email marketing focus on sending the emails in the morning. People check their emails in the morning in the breaks. For social media posts, schedule them close to sunset and onwards as that’s when people are usually scrolling through their social media feeds. Also find appropriate times to post from the schedules you have followed so far. The times when people have paid the highest attention to stories, tweets, and similar content will help you develop an effective schedule
All in all, holiday posting is all about the details. Make sure that you use the right kind of content and place it in the right way. Small details are the game changers in these campaigns. Best of luck!

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