
The pandemic has brought considerable changes to the world, including a speed up in remote work and an increase in the amount of time we spend online to manage business. These changes have also brought an increase in cybercrime and crooked activities across the internet.

The most important responsibility at Facebook is to protect people’s information and safety. The teams work day and night to encounter fraud, secure data and ensure our systems are safe. People should  take all the steps to keep their accounts safe which includes page manager, business manager and ads manager used by millions of advertisers both big and small to associate with their audiences on Instagram and Facebook.

There are several guides on how to keep your Facebook business pages secure. Let’s go through the latest tips and best practices to maintain account safety:

  • Always use your business email address to use your business manager and closely monitor the email for notifications from Facebook.
  • Ask everyone to sign up and use two-factor authentication who is associated with your business manager, including partners.
  • To receive changes and updates around your business, sign up to receive notifications. Confirm the email that will receive these alerts and make sure to monitor the email address closely.
  • Check any active ads and account billing every week to ensure all the activities are in line with your expectations.
  • If you’re not using your account actively, you should log out regularly.

It is also recommended to keep regular checks and updates to your accounts to retain account security best practices while working from home as well. Following are some specific ways that you can use to regularly monitor your accounts:

  • Use a security checkup tool to revise and add more security to your personal Facebook account.
  • Review the certified logins for your account. Check details on devices, IP addresses, browsers and other information based on where and when you logged in. Navigate to settings to download information for your personal account.
  • You can perform regular audits by using the business manager security center with access to your business manager accounts.
  • Review your applications regularly and browser plugins on your devices and remove the ones you no longer use.

Even though the security is not 100% guaranteed, Facebook continues to bring innovation and iterates every day to address new and evolving threats. It focuses on improving its products’ security features and their detection mechanisms to analyze and prevent malicious activity on the platform so that teleworking can easily take place.

Connect with digital experts today who will not only help in securing your data but also in keeping you updated on the ongoing changes regarding the authentication and audits of different platforms.

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